Socratus Foundation for Collective Wisdom


Channeling wisdom to solve complex challenges

Socratus Foundation works towards arriving at political solutions by bringing together all key agents in a field who are the proponents of competing schools of thought. For a large population such as India, which is young and mostly poor, facing huge challenges that are Wicked Problems — complex in scale and scope with incompatible objectives — Socratus Foundation believes there need to be political solutions that convene different power and knowledge systems and problem solvers to distil ideas to build roadmaps for the future. By bringing people together to create ideas together, they produce tools for imagination, thinking and solving problems, acting as a midwife to produce this collective wisdom. The focus is on thinking about India in the era of climate change, food systems, urban systems and livelihoods.

Why are they the right choice for others:

  • Convening different systems of thought to produce common pathways for change for issues of scale and scope in India’s future around livelihood, food and climate change.
  • Bringing climate discourse to the centre stage.
  • Bringing all actors around the key issues with tools and research (academics, thinkers, political figures, people with capital and authority) to the same room to distil collective wisdom.


UN Sustainability GOALS
