Kshetra Foundation for Dialogue

Societal muscle for dialogue

The Dialogic Method is a framework that draws on the disciplines of mediation, cognitive psychology, behavioural change and systems thinking to help varied end-users harness dialogue towards different purposes, with the goal of creating multiple, sustainable outcomes.
Kshetra uses the Dialogic Method framework to support individuals, organisations and communities in using the framework to deal with conflict amongst others, create effective spaces for dialogue and build cultures and systems that foster dialogue as a default way of doing things. They are issue-agnostic and deliver their work through partner organisations working in various domain areas, with whom we co-create and customise each of our deliveries and offerings. They are process-oriented, and look to equip partners with the capacity to independently use the Dialogic Method as a part of their work, with support from them as may (or may not) be needed.

Why are they the right choice to support:

Our societal challenges have become more significant, complex and urgent. In responding to these challenges, it is evident that we need to create “uncommon ground” for samaaj, sarkaar and bazaar to co-create approaches and solutions to these challenges. To do so, it is essential
to hold space for collaborative debate as a positive-sum outcome because a diversity of perspectives gives us more comprehensive insight. This dialogic method has facilitated a shift in participants to move away from their stated positions to explore underlying interests such that common ground can be built to co-create shared approaches to the future and change. We are drawn to the idea that by building conversations around significant societal challenges, we might create a systemic view within which solutions could be found. Kshetra is a platform for dialogue – to create a deep understanding of our times’ challenges and build collective intelligence through stories and shared learning. Conversations crafted here are based on the premise that deep discussions about these issues can lead to systemic change.

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