The National Conversation: Barriers and Enablers to Engage Boys and Men Towards Gender Equality

February 28, 2018


The objective of this research enquiry is to understand what the barriers and opportunities are to accelerate work with boys and men towards gender equality in India, and to initiate a national conversation towards the same goal. The research was conceived because Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and Equal Community Foundation (ECF) identified a lack of publicly available information on how social sector organisations are working with boys and men towards gender equality, including what the barriers are and what the available opportunities are for supporting them.

This research is considered to be formative. We anticipate repeating similar research in the future. During the process of completing this research we identified improvements to the structure and content of the questionnaires and the use of language that we used, that will improve future iterations.

We are grateful to everyone who participated in the research, and for your feedback. We hope that the results are useful.

PDF | The National Conversation – Barriers and enablers to engage boys towards gender equality

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