Gender equity

India has 230 million men under the age of 18, making up a considerable portion of our demographic dividend. Young men represent a significant portion of our population and they need to realise their own potential and in their own right. Work in this field looks to support organisations and initiatives that focus on young men and boys in transforming their attitudes and behaviours and unequal gender relations. We also aim to support work that does not see men as instruments for women’s empowerment; and work that does not marginalise women and girls in gender equity work either.
In India, the masculine identity is inextricably tied to traditional male breadwinner models and the ability to espouse power through social and economic roles in society. As global shifts in the nature of work take root in India as well, we worry that these trends will exacerbate gender-based conflict, leaving men more frustrated and women with worse choices. Accelerating meaningful engagement with men and boys is a critical pathway to gender equality and equity.
There’s a need to create spaces for young men and boys to speak, to share and to grow. A critical pathway to gender equality and equity is to invest in programs that accelerate meaningful engagements with men and boys.

Grantees in this field
Resources in this field
ORF | Pathways to Equality: Advancing Gender Goals in the G20
Pathways to Equality: Advancing Gender Goals in the G20 (a publication by Observer Research Foundation (ORF)) assesses a selection of critical issues faced by women in the G20 nations. It is[...]
Report: What’s it like being a young man in urban India today?
Beneath the apparent privileges that boys enjoy, there is immense pressure to perform. The societal expectations are set for them, irrespective of economic background. Men are an equal half of[...]
Closing speech: Build Together 2022
Namaste, everyone. And wow, it has been an exhilarating one and a half days. Of presentations, conversations, the igniting of ideas , the sharing of experiences and the airing of[...]