Uncommon Ground

This idea that first found its expression as a television show and book (Uncommon Ground: Dialogues Between Business and Social Leaders, 2011) created by Rohini Nilekani. Co-created as a dynamic and expanding movement with the CAMP Advanced Mediation Practice and other network partners, Uncommon Ground aims to build a societal muscle for transforming conflict and dissonance into a creative impetus for change by serving as a conduit of shared know-how and competencies.

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IDR | Connection, not abstraction
Philanthropy’s most important role is not to abstract solutions by distilling them into replicable frameworks. It is to nurture the connections that make them possible. – By Gautam John (CEO,[...]
The Indian Express | Rohini Nilekani writes: If we let ourselves be led by children in play, could we rediscover simple joys?
It is not a frivolous activity, but essential to human development. Have you observed with attention what a child does when playing on her own? She is absorbed, muttering, doing[...]