
Past Grantee |


Helping some childhood scars go away

Arpan works on the premise that each child needs to be safe and protected from sexual abuse, and works with over 120 professionals nationally to provide prevention and intervention services to children and adults. Arpan’s key project is educating children and adolescents (age 4 years to 15) about personal safety in schools so that they can identify and seek help in an unsafe situation. Along with Personal Safety Education, Arpan trains and empowers teachers and parents to prevent and deal with Child Sexual Abuse.

Why are they the right choice to support:

  • Working on a key area of child safety at the national level through a combination of providing individual support, training and advocacy to the ecosystems surrounding children, and making policy level changes nationally. A critical part of this is building an open and transparent discourse around the issue.
  • Creating detailed resources for safety and preventative strategies for children across ages and lessons for teachers and parents for preventing Child Sexual Abuse in multilingual formats.
  • Building in mental health awareness and psychotherapeutic services at the institutional level to care for survivors of trauma.
  • Building people led movements to raise awareness and create collective action and work in collaboration with state actors for implementation of laws and legal policy.


UN Sustainability GOALS



Current Grantee |

Current Grantee |

Current Grantee |