Men Against Violence and Abuse (MAVA)
Current Grantee
Raising a hand against violence
MAVA is a safe platform for discussion on issues of violent behaviour and gender norms in society, rising from masculinity and socialisation. They work on focused efforts that bring in men who act as role models for gender sensitivity as stakeholders and partners in the process. MAVA works with boys and men to address issues of gender inequality and discrimination by discussing and questioning the existing dominant model of masculinity, and stop gender based violence against women. They mentor young boys and men in schools, colleges and communities in healthy conversations around sexual health ans gender sensitive behaviour through leadership, and use workshops, storytelling and performing arts to drive conversations on how masculinity emerges from socialisation.
Why are they the right choice for others:
- Providing a safe space for young boys and men to be stakeholders of conversations on gender and sexuality and creating space for leadership
- Offering counselling and emotional support for men to counter masculine ideals and understand socialisation and patriarchy
- Narrative work through art forms, writing and performance arts to help change public perceptions and ideas of masculinity
- Collaborating with organisations, communities, the state and individuals to build capacity and legal aid
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UN Sustainability GOALS

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