Rest Of My Family

Past Grantee

Art at the heart

Rest of my family’ is a travel-based, not-for-profit, social-work-through-art organization. Their mission is to spread awareness about what they consider the ill-effects of a paradigm based on selfish competition. They make documentaries, collaborate over art, and work on community development projects to seek alternative modes of community living and mutual cooperation. The idea is to consider all of humanity as one big family, and bring about the connection with one another that is otherwise splintered. They document on their travel via documentary film and photo stories the life and challenges of individuals and communities in rural and tribal areas, working on social development projects in rural healthcare infrastructure and water access, solar electrification and education, along Karnataka, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Orissa, West Bengal and Assam. Their campaign is known as #DriveforChange.

Why they are the right choice for others:

  • Raise awareness and funds through photo-art and documentary for causes related to rural and tribal communities through
  • Creating narratives through image and video via first hand engagement with rural and tribal communities about developmental issues and social well being

Organisation Logo

UN Sustainability GOALS

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