
Current Grantee |


De-stigmatising menstrual, sexual and reproductive health

Uninhibited works to destigmatise menstrual, sexual and reproductive health. Their work extends across 10 states in India, with 250000 marginalised menstruators. They provide training on menstrual health and hygiene and education, creating and enabling conversations to normalise menstruation with ‘PeriodShala’ and ‘The Period Fellowship’ to nurture talent in communities to sustain behaviour change for menstruators. Their work includes bringing men and adolescent boys into the conversation to create supportive environments for menstruators in the household.
PeriodShala creates safe spaces in communities and schools to assist behavioural change within individuals and the community to dispel stigma, shame and harmful taboos. They work to help people improve self care and hygienic practices, and teach about reproductive biology and nutrition. The Period Fellowship works with women (inclusive of non binary and trans people) applicants to train them in a 24 month paid leadership journey in the grassroots to destigmatise menstrual health. PeriodPreneurs encourages individuals to leverage the organisation’s expertise, networks and resources to solve menstrual health challenges and scale the movement.

Why are they the right choice for others:

  • Working in a highly stigmatised area of women’s health with marginalised communities to create sustained behaviour change.
  • Working to build leadership and community to nurture community-based education and behavioural change in creating supportive environments for menstruators at scale.
  • Enrol men and adolescents to create supportive environments for menstruators.
  • Create inclusive language and interventions to reach LGBTQI folk, sex workers and differently abled people.
  • Working across the ecosystem from individuals, communities, teachers and frontline workers and governments, as well as nurturing leadership.


UN Sustainability GOALS



Current Grantee |

Current Grantee |

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