Jul 26, 2024

The Indian Express | Rohini Nilekani writes: How philanthropy can tilt scales towards a more equitable society

The wealthy are not as reviled by the general public as in many other countries. This is a crucial moment for Indian funders to take ownership of our development narrative [...]
Jul 10, 2024
By Sahana Jose – Associate Director, Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies A majority of grants made by Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies (RNP) are unrestricted: there are no stipulations on how grantees should use them. Nonprofit [...]
Apr 11, 2024
Working to create lasting impact at scale amid emerging and entrenched challenges – including growing polarization; longstanding inequities across identities; and a crisis of wellbeing of social changemakers – will [...]
Apr 10, 2024
Shifting complex systems toward greater inclusion and equity is no small task. And knowing whether we are making the impact we seek can prove just as difficult. What tools and [...]