Philanthropy can provide ‘patient funding’ to boost science
Industry leaders and philanthropists Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Kris Gopalakrishnan and Rohini Nilekani have made individual and collective contributions towards furthering science and research in the city and outside. They told TOI’s Chethan Kumar in an interview that philanthropy could help provide the ‘patient funding’ that is needed to boost science and also help liberate science from […]
Bringing the Indian Industry Close to Conscience Keepers
A ROLE MODEL for women around the world, the gracefully beautiful Rohini Nilekani is equally at ease with her many avatars: the founder of three not for profit organisations focused on water and healthcare, education and children’s books; the sparkling author of both racy thrillers and insightful books that cross-link the diverse issues facing the […]
The Challenge of Inequity
Solutions remain elusive as industry and civil society leaders grapple with issues. View PDF
Uncommon Ground – The Write People
It’s not often that one sees the city’s movers and shakers in attendance at an event. So it was little surprise to find the IT industry’s heavyweights thronging this hotel for Rohini Nilekani’s big day. View PDF
Uncommon Ground – by Rohini Nilekani
The author brings together titans of industry and leaders of civil society to explore eight themes relevant to India’s development. View PDF