November 2, 2021

Report: Build the Field. Build the Movement. Engaging Young Men & Boys in India.

While the good work for the betterment of women and girls in India has to continue, the work in gender equity shall remain incomplete unless young men and boys are brought within the ambit of interventions. We need to onboard men, not only for causes of women such as achieving goals of women empowerment and […]

June 21, 2006

A story a day to keep ignorance at bay

Nearly 50 per cent of the children studying in the government schools in Karnataka have not reached the required levels of learning. That has been what the Karnataka State Quality Assessment Organisation, Department of Education, found out in its first statewide study of the education scenario, released last week. Another survey conducted by Akshara Foundation […]

July 30, 1988

A hi-tech spinoff – ISRO

The Indian Space Research Organisation has begun to transfer advanced technology to the commercial sector. t is a high-profile, hi-tech organisation packed with some of the finest scientific and technical minds in the country. In keeping with its glamorous profile, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has a generous budget (Rs 300 crores in 1987). […]