September 1, 2021
Keeping the Hope Unbroken
It was wonderful to read the thoughtful, frank reflections of so many younger philanthropists on the future of philanthropy. What struck me the most was that almost everyone acknowledged the need to shift and broaden the centres of power, both within philanthropy and in society. It is a great irony that big philanthropy is made […]
August 1, 2017
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Q&A With Rohini Nilekani
Two decades of giving have taught philanthropist Rohini Nilekani the value of pursuing unconventional approaches to tackling social problems. View PDF
November 4, 2014
How Indian philanthropists are channeling their wealth to deepen democracy and governance
Philanthropist Rohini Nilekani believes mainstream media is weighed down by many handicaps and, therefore, wants to cocreate an entirely new media platform primarily funded by donor money. View PDF