September 18, 2020

Rohini Nilekani’s Comments at Launch of the #DigitalDecade to Strengthen Public Institutions

This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s comments at an online event hosted by New America. The discussion was on the margins of the 2020 UN General Assembly to launch a #DigitalDecade to develop open source technology solutions that will strengthen public institutions in countries worldwide. We have reached a tipping point when it […]

December 6, 2019

Five Ideas On Reimagining Philanthropy with Societal Platform Thinking

Rohini Nilekani, chairperson, Arghyam, shares five ideas on reimagining philanthropy with societal platform thinking 2020 has captured the imagination with its promise of being near enough to set achievable targets, yet distant enough to envision transformation. With the end of 2019 weeks away, Mint invites thought leaders to share their vision for the next decade. […]

February 26, 2019

‘Role of Societal Platforms in Education’ at #ItAllAddsUp

Rohini Nilekani’s talk on the role of societal platforms in education made at the Akshara Foundation’s event on Maths: #ItAllAddsUp. How can we distribute the ability to solve issues together and restore the agency of every person in the system, so that they can also become part of the solution?   I’ve been at the […]