December 10, 2022

Putting Samaaj on top for Positive Collective Action

This is the third book by philanthropist and civil society leader Rohini Nilekani, the founder of Arghyam, a foundation that works towards sustainable water and sanitation goals, and Pratham Books, a publishing nonprofit that helps millions of children to read books. Samaaj Sarkaar Bazaar is a collection of Nilekani’s articles, speeches, and interviews, which offers […]

September 29, 2022

समाज, सरकार, और बाज़ार की जुगलबंदी। Society, States, and Markets ft. Rohini Nilekani

हम अक़्सर कहते है कि समाज, सरकार, और बाज़ार के बीच तालमेल बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत है। इस संतुलन को कैसे समझा जाए? समाज को किस तरह से बदलाव का भागीदार बनाया जाए? आप और हम क्या भूमिका अदा कर सकते हैं? इन्हीं कुछ सवालों पर चर्चा लेखिका और philanthropist रोहिणी निलेकणी के साथ। उनकी नई […]

August 19, 2022

Citizens need to get involved in governance: Rohini Nilekani

Rohini Nilekani, philanthropist and founder of Arghyam Foundation, believes that the state ( sarkaar), the market ( bazaar), and society ( samaaj) should strive for a balance with none of them having too much power. Her new book, Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar: A Citizen-First Approach, is a collection of essays on what citizens can do to […]