The Indian Express | Rohini Nilekani writes: Can India ensure that its elderly are taken care of?
India needs to take the lead in redefining what it means to be an older adult What do you think of if someone asks you to describe old age? At a recent interaction with community service organisations (CSOs) working on longevity, I learnt that your answer would probably depend on how old you are. Younger […]
The Indian Express | Rohini Nilekani writes: How philanthropy can tilt scales towards a more equitable society
The wealthy are not as reviled by the general public as in many other countries. This is a crucial moment for Indian funders to take ownership of our development narrative and make the country the world’s third-largest economy… Recently, I participated in four unusual philanthropy-related events over just two days in Mumbai. Each one was […]
Impact/Failure Conference | The Decade of the Bold: Failures in Philanthropy
Speakers: Rohini Nilekani, Philanthropist | Carol Gribnau, DOEN Foundation Moderated by: Harish Hande, SELCO Foundation Many would believe that philanthropies are at the top of the food chain in the development sector. Some of the critical junctures in history, from independence movements, critical innovation pathways, all have been driven by philanthropic monies. How do we […]