Portfolio Deck: Laayak – Engaging Young Men & Boys on Gender
Key Questions
- How do fundamental issues such as education, healthcare, and child protection impact men and women differently in India?
- What factors contribute to men practicing hegemonic masculinity, and how can these be changed?
- What levers are RNP’s partners adopting to build a more gender equitable society?

“When we imagine a gender equitable world, how are we looking at the future of young men and boys? Taking our eyes off this question might cost society more than we can afford. Maybe it already is. In their own right, young males need positive attention. This is also critical for the future of women – their rights and opportunities, their safety and well being.
Can we co-power a new path towards gender equity?”Rohini Nilekani, Chairperson, Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies (RNP)

Through our gender portfolio, Laayak, RNP supports Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that engage with young men and boys in reshaping and transforming gender dynamics. Our work leverages research, policy, advocacy, programs, media, and pop culture to support initiatives that aim to challenge and reshape traditional attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate unequal gender relations.

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