
Current Grantee

Rules of law

A civil society organisation, Daksh undertakes research and activities to encourage accountability and better governance in India. Their two main activities are measuring political and judicial performance. Daksh has designed, developed, and deployed a variety of measures to assess and analyse performance in the political space, such as conducting physical surveys to gather data on people’s perceptions of their elected representatives.

What excites us about their work:

  • Works on systematic change of justice institutions in the country, tackling some of its hardest issues with the use of data and advocacy
  • Brings greater transparency and visibility into the performance of law and order, enabling transformation work for other actors in the ecosystem as well
  • Focused efforts to understand judicial infrastructure and to reduce the opacity of the system and create legibility
  • Research on the information systems utilised by the judiciary and an understanding of how technical and legislative action can cohere and change.

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