South Asia Women Foundation India

Current Grantee

Addressing gender-based discriminations through and within law and its practice by nurturing leadership of women and trans* lawyers

SAWFIN supports and strengthens movements and initiatives led by women, girls, and trans and gender non-binary persons toward realising their constitutional rights, entitlements and freedoms to equality and non-discrimination.

Why they are the right choice for others:

  • Supports organisations in scaling their strategies for social and economic empowerment of women and trans* persons
  • Provides grants to grassroots women’s organisations and groups working on social justice, creating a community support network, providing legal support, and advocating for their rights and dignity
  • Offers fellowships to women lawyers, grassroots practitioners, and experts from the trans* community, providing them with the necessary resources to access legal justice and economic and environmental justice. This support empowers them and ensures they feel supported in their work.

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