January 28, 2013

Jaipur Literature Festival, 2013 | A Surrogate Life

This is an edited version of a conversation at the Jaipur Literature Festival, 2013, between Kishwar Desai, Jaishree Misra, and Rohini Nilekani, as part of the Rajasthan Patrika Series.     Often, I find myself wishing that the subject of my book, “Stillborn” was not as relevant as it is today. But when we look […]

August 16, 2006

Family matters

Will the great Indian family become a myth or an extinct entity? The Indian family system has upheld Indian culture. But now, the value system has changed and with it the structure and nature of the family too. The book ‘The Great Indian Families: New Roles, Old responsibilities’ by Gitanjali Prasad dwells upon these emerging […]