The Indian Express | Jan Vishwas 2.0 and 3.0 will find the ‘madhyam marg’ between trusting and punishing citizens
The current system also blurs the lines between minor infractions and serious crimes. It can award lesser punishment for serious offences and severe punishment for lesser offences… Good laws make for good societies. The recently announced Jan Vishwas Bill 2.0 at the Union government level, soon to be followed by Jan Vishwas 3.0 bills […]
The Dialogic Method & Uncommon Grounds: Dialogic Processes for Dispute Resolution in the Social Sphere
Can the Dialogic Method be a means of empowerment, dispersed capacity for conflict resolution and problem-solving, and a way of creating community-oriented, win-win-win solutions? These possibilities emerge from a recent (2022) research conducted by VikasAnvesh Foundation for Kshetra / Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies. The study, titled “Dialogic spaces for dispute resolution in the social sphere,” aimed […]
Laws and criminal justice: Where the Indian Elite can’t Secede
It is extremely important that the Supreme Court is re-examining colonial era sedition laws, which were repealed in the United Kingdom (UK) itself, but which no government in India has revoked, and in fact, each has used to stifle dissent. Sedition laws, however, are at the apex of a mountain of laws that need to be examined […]
Building a Social Muscle via Mediation
This is an edited version of the CAMP IDEX mediation webinar on ‘Building a social muscle and finding common ground.’ Adversarial behaviours dominate our lives, but the culture of collaboration is growing. Justice Kurian Joseph, Sriram Panchu and Rohini Nilekani discuss how mediation can help society find common ground in this session, moderated by Krishna […]