Rohini Nilekani and Arun Kumar | Succeeding in Partnerships
This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s conversation with Arun Kumar on Succeeding in Partnerships. The discussion highlights the importance of partnerships in addressing large and complex societal issues and the need for including partnerships in the organisation strategy. Collaboration is an important topic in the social sector today. Collaboration as an idea should, […]
With technology you need water too
which Mr K N Shanth Kumar, Editor, Deccan Herald and Prajavani released the book Nashisuttiruva Neerina Gnana at Nayana hall at Kannada Bhavan on Wednesday, Dr Ananthamurthy detailed ancient and mythological references to water in order to highlight the necessity for sustainable use of this natural resource and preservation of water bodies. Rohini Nilekani, Chairperson, […]