Climate & Environment
Conservation, Adaptation & Co-creation
Climate Change threatens to undo decades of developmental progress and disproportionately affects those most marginalised. At the same time, we are also witnessing the sixth mass extinction and can see the anthropogenic impacts on our rich biodiversity and ecosystems. The complex web of interconnections between the biosphere and the economy are more apparent than ever before. This crisis affects our planet, people and nature alike. The foundation is focused on the twin goals of building the adaptive capacities of communities to make them more climate resilient, and nourish and conserve our biodiversity to enhance the ecosystem’s resilience.
Being cognisant of the interconnectedness between developmental and climate-related challenges and recognising the distinct risks each of them poses, the Foundation applies a climate-sensitive development approach to its focus areas. Our areas of work include:
- Conservation and Biodiversity: Within this focus area, we examine a rich mosaic of sub-themes that include, but are not limited to, human-wildlife interactions, species conservation and habitat loss, community engagement and livelihood generation, biodiversity loss, and protecting and restoring ecosystems.
- Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation: Under this focus area, we look at building the capacity and resilience of communities to adjust and adapt their ecological, social and economic systems to climate-related shocks, while also balancing their developmental and livelihood needs. Our work prioritises disaster risk reduction and prevention, heat adaptation and investments in nature-based solutions and sustainable agricultural practices.
₹700 Lakhs
₹1725 Lakhs
₹4556 Lakhs
₹545 Lakhs
Disaster Response
The past decade has been rife with natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside the Climate & Biodiversity portfolio, our work here supports immediate assistance to communities afflicted by pandemics and natural disasters to help them recover and rebuild in the long term.
Grantees in this field

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Climate & Environment
Current Grantee
Climate & Environment