August 31, 2024

The Indian Express | Rohini Nilekani writes: Can India ensure that its elderly are taken care of?

India needs to take the lead in redefining what it means to be an older adult What do you think of if someone asks you to describe old age? At a recent interaction with community service organisations (CSOs) working on longevity, I learnt that your answer would probably depend on how old you are. Younger […]

March 23, 2024

Loksatta | शंभरीतलं शहाणपण!

भाषांतर संपदा सोवनीआयुष्य तर जगायचंच असतं, परंतु ते आनंदी आणि ‘ग्रेसफुली’ कसं जगायचं हे प्रत्येकाच्या विवेकावर अवलंबून असतं. नुकत्याच शंभरीत पदार्पण केलेल्या दुर्गाबाई निलेकणी यांनी काळाबरोबर चालताना मायक्रोवेव्ह, झूम कॉलसारख्या अनेक आधुनिक गोष्टी तर शिकून घेतल्याच, शिवाय अत्याधुनिक अशा दीर्घायुष्यासाठीच्या संशोधनासाठीही त्या तयार झाल्या आहेत. ‘इतरांवर ओझं होणार नाही असं जगावं!’ हे त्यांचं ‘शंभरीतलं शहाणपण’ […]

March 8, 2024

The Indian Express | Rohini Nilekani writes: On Women’s Day, lessons on compassion and resilience from a 99-year-old

Durgabai Nilekani recently entered the 100th year of her life. My mother-in-law is in good health, physically active, and mentally calm. She has mild cognitive impairment and some age-related decline. But every time you ask her how she is, Amma will say, “Oh, I am fine!” On some days, she will giggle and say she […]