May 8, 2021
What Lies Beyond the Great Anthropause
The virus has shown us the impact of a disregard for nature. Small changes to urban lifestyles could make a big difference Recently, Apple TV released a documentary called The Year Earth Changed. It takes viewers through some delightful scenes of what happened in the world of wild animals while humans were forced to take […]
May 10, 2019
The jewelled Aghanashini: It’s the last major free flowing river of peninsular India, don’t put the squeeze on it
For its entire 124 kilometres, this jewel of a river flows free. It is probably as old as the Western Ghats, older than the Himalayan range. Though not especially long, this west flowing river has a volume of water equal to the bigger Kali or Sharavathi rivers nearby. It originates in Shankara Honda in the […]