November 27, 2020

How Citizens and Communities Shape our Cities

This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s keynote address at eGovernments Foundation’s Connect For Impact Webinar on how citizens and communities can shape our cities.  Recently, I have been travelling from Bengaluru to Kabini a lot in these last few months, and every time I return from the forest to this megacity, Bengaluru, […]

August 3, 2007

Payments for Ecosystem Services

It is clearly time for a new social contract with the farmer and the tribal, if not as a moral imperative certainly as a strategic one. Two symbols come to mind immediately when we look at India as it is instead of through the aspirational prism of an India shining or poised. One: the disenfranchised […]

June 19, 2006

Akshara Foundation’s new project in 1,400 govt schools

The project is being taken up to ensure that all students from Standards two to seven read and learn. “The project will begin in July this year, and by November, we hope to see a remarkable difference in the children,” said Mr Ashok Kamath of the Akshara Foundation, at the Rotary Service Award function 2006 […]

December 31, 1993

Checks and Balances – Making Transportation Systems Accountable

The Indian consumer movement will come of age only when it is generally accepted that both providers and consumers of a good or service are reciprocally accountable. View PDF