Mar 03, 2021

Trust is the Absolute Foundation of Any Partnership: Q&A with Rohini Nilekani

Rohini Nilekani is a fierce believer in the power of being an active, participatory citizen. She quips that her friends could get irritated with her Gandhigiri, as she went about picking [...]
Jan 04, 2017
Philanthropist Rohini Nilekani talks to Lakshmi Pratury about setting up Infosys in the early 90’s, her attempt to encourage children to read more books, and her foundation, Arghyam, which works [...]
Nov 30, 2004
As an erstwhile leftist, Rohini Nilekam admits to a few years of disquiet when her family started reaping the generous rewards of Infosys. Soon she realised that wealth is a [...]