September 1, 2017

PPT | The Emerging Paradigm in Mental Health: Social Innovation Mapping

1 in 4 people in the world will be affected by mental health disorders at some point in their lives. How can all persons with mental illness have access to care and support to live to their full potential?     View PDF

June 4, 2015

CSOs: Mirrors, not just handmaidens

When a government limits the freedom of NGOs to criticize, as seems to be happening now, it prevents them from doing what it needs them to do. The world over, it is understood that civil society organizations (CSOs) provide checks and balances to counter the unbridled power of the state and any abuse of that […]

March 22, 2013

Connect The Dots: Water Matters

This is an edited version of Water Matters, an interactive panel discussion with Rohini Nilekani. The event, held at Max Mueller Bhavan on 22nd March 2013, World Water Day, was part of a campaign on sustainable water conservation in Bangalore run by The Alternative, a media platform on sustainable living.  Bangalore is running short […]

September 23, 2005

New indignation, new alignment

Sometimes, it seems as though much of the world is trying to crowd into Bangalore. Hold that thought. At almost seven million, our population in this city is already more than the population of new-age countries such as Ireland, and almost half of that of Chile.

December 10, 2001

Yogacharya to the world – Padmashri Dr B K S Iyengar

Padmashri Dr B K S Iyengar, referred to simply as Guruji, has made a seminal difference to the practice and propagation of yoga. Rohini Nilekani speaks to the yogacharya. View PDF