April 6, 2021

Rohini’s Comments at The Annual Desh Apnayen Awards Ceremony

This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s address at the ACTIZENS awards ceremony hosted by the Desh Apnayen Sahayog Foundation. In her speech as Chief Guest, Rohini Nilekani discusses how we can harness India’s latent potential to shape extraordinary citizens who will make India the world’s greatest democracy. You and your friends, and all […]

February 1, 2021

Rohini Nilekani’s Keynote at DH Changemakers

This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s keynote talk at DH Changemakers, an annual feature by Deccan Herald to honour people who make a difference in Karnataka. What do we mean when we talk about change? We all know that change is the only constant in our lives. Change keeps happening, but I think […]

April 22, 2020

Message on Earth Day, 2020

It’s true that the future just ain’t what it used to be!Fifty years used to be a long timeline. It isn’t anymore. After all, the Club of Rome was set up to address humanity’s “problematic” 52 years ago. And here we are now in 2020, having heeded very few lessons from that conversation, and maybe […]

May 31, 2016

Revitalise our aquifers: India can be water secure, but for that we need to act urgently

This parched country will be blessed with rain soon. It is the final but worst stretch of the hot, dry summer. A good time to commit that, post monsoon, we will never forget one of the most widespread droughts in recent memory. Three years running, many states have declared drought conditions. A normal monsoon may […]