Inaugural Address by Rohini Nilekani – Sci560 Exhibition Launch, Science Gallery Bengaluru
Rohini Nilekani (Chairperson of Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and Board Member, Science Gallery Bengaluru), in her inaugural address at the exhibition launch of Sci560 – an exhibition that uncovers Bengaluru’s rich scientific legacy – speaks about the city’s impressive military-industrial-academic complex. She emphasises that in order to cultivate a robust scientific temper among citizens, there is a […]
Grand Tamasha: ‘No govt can do without civil society in a developing nation’
“Governments need civil society organisations to serve as mirrors; they need them to reach the first mile… they need all the risk-taking capital. No government can do without that in a developing country like ours which is so highly aspirational,” Nilekani told Milan Vaishnav, host of the Grand Tamasha podcast. Grand Tamasha is a co-production […]
Rohini Nilekani on the Secret to Successful Governance | Grand Tamasha
Rohini Nilekani is an author and philanthropist who has worked for over three decades in India’s social sectors. She is the founder of Arghyam, a foundation for sustainable water and sanitation, and she also co-founded Pratham Books, a nonprofit which aims to enable access to reading for millions of children. With her husband Nandan, she […]
समाज, सरकार, और बाज़ार की जुगलबंदी। Society, States, and Markets ft. Rohini Nilekani
हम अक़्सर कहते है कि समाज, सरकार, और बाज़ार के बीच तालमेल बढ़ाने की ज़रूरत है। इस संतुलन को कैसे समझा जाए? समाज को किस तरह से बदलाव का भागीदार बनाया जाए? आप और हम क्या भूमिका अदा कर सकते हैं? इन्हीं कुछ सवालों पर चर्चा लेखिका और philanthropist रोहिणी निलेकणी के साथ। उनकी नई […]
During the pandemic, we learned how Samaaj, Sarkaar and Bazaar work together in a crisis: Rohini Nilekani
This year marks 30 years since philanthropist-author Rohini Nilekani started her journey in civic engagement. She started with Nagarik, a public charitable trust, in 1992 and is now the Chairperson of Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and Director of EkStep, a non-profit education platform. She is the Co-founder and Former Chairperson of Arghyam, a foundation she set […]
Announcing the publication of Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar – A Citizen-First Approach by Rohini Nilekani
An invitation to re-examine the role of an engaged and active Samaaj Bengaluru, Thursday, July 21, 2022: This August will mark the publication of Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar: A Citizen-First Approach by Rohini Nilekani, a leading philanthropist, journalist and writer. The book showcases Nilekani’s learnings from her civic engagement and philanthropy over three decades. She advocates that the […]
Giving Done Right Podcast: The Heart and the Head
This is an edited version of an episode of Giving Done Right, The Centre for Effective Philanthropy’s (CEP) podcast on making an impact with charitable giving. CEP’s President, Phil Buchanan and Vice President of Programming and External Relations, Grace Nicolette talk to Rohini Nilekani about trust-based philanthropy and what it means to create a philanthropic […]
Uncommon Ground | Playbook & Manual
Uncommon Ground is a movement co-created by Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and the CAMP Centre for Arbitration and Mediation practice, that is centered around the value that the balance between samaaj, sarkaar and bazaar (society, government and business) needs to be reestablished through processes of dialogue and exchange that are embedded as a way of working […]
A Quest to Balance State, Society, Market
In the memory of such social sector professionals and volunteers, we have to rededicate ourselves to the work of supporting and sustaining a resilient samaaj. What better time than this current moment? On April 24, one more life came to a premature end. Civil society lost yet another leader. Prem Kumar Varma died in Delhi […]
Rohini Nilekani and Arun Kumar | Succeeding in Partnerships
This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s conversation with Arun Kumar on Succeeding in Partnerships. The discussion highlights the importance of partnerships in addressing large and complex societal issues and the need for including partnerships in the organisation strategy. Collaboration is an important topic in the social sector today. Collaboration as an idea should, […]
Trust is the Absolute Foundation of Any Partnership: Q&A with Rohini Nilekani
Rohini Nilekani is a fierce believer in the power of being an active, participatory citizen. She quips that her friends could get irritated with her Gandhigiri, as she went about picking up waste which people had thrown on the road or requested people to stand in line at bus stops right from her childhood days. Today, […]
Philanthropy and Covid-19: Who will be India’s Rockefeller?
Although a handful of Indian billionaire families have stepped up to help mitigate the pandemic’s fallout, India is yet to inculcate a culture of philanthropy among the super-rich In 1918, an in!uenza virus emerged (probably in the US) that would spread around the world, and one of its earliest appearances in lethal form came in […]
Rohini Nilekani Comments on #REVIVEIndia
Namaste. For years now, I’ve been thinking about how should we all come together to reduce the friction to collaborate between Samaj, Bazaar and Sarkar. Because one thing has become very clear to all of us, right? Because of this pandemic, especially, that unless these three sectors can collaborate more seamlessly, there is no way […]
Samaaj, Sarkaar and Bazaar: The New Normal in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic
This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s conversation with ET Now, about the Coronavirus pandemic and the changes it has brought in her work and in society at large. The pandemic has brought many changes in our lives, some for better and others for worse. The negative repercussions are being felt by people of […]
Corporates Should Support the Rule of Law
The time has come to align self-interest and public interest in support of the rule of law and constitutional values. I have often talked about the continuum of sarkaar, samaaj, and bazaar, and why, for a successful society, these three sectors must work together in a fine balance. Ideally, sarkaar, or the state, should not […]
Rohini Nilekani: On my journey as a philanthropist
This is an edited version of a speech delivered by Rohini Nilekani to a closed door gathering of Asian philanthropists. Most of us in this room are on a journey of discovery as philanthropists. We recognize that we have been lucky, we are fortunate to have wealth way beyond our needs. We want to use […]
How India’s richest 1% can effect change
The super-rich must not just be super-generous but also be seen to be super-generous, to inspire more people to give. TurningPoint: India is giving more at this stage of its economy than many other countries. When a few people get super-wealthy very rapidly, societies sit up and take notice. When some of them talk publicly […]
The Next Big Thing – Quadrum Presents QED
This is an edited version of Rohini and Nandan Nilekani’s talk, The Next Big Thing — Quadrum Presents QED. As Nandan and I travel, we try to watch out for new trends around the world. Even now, the world is divided into countries like ours, where half the population is still in the 19th […]
The Conscious Givers
Rohini and Nandan Nilekani contribute to causes that others may find risky. In doing so, they are nudging the society to look at issues afresh. View PDF
Fast Track Justice Needed
ET Exclusive with Yasmin Premji, Rohini Nilekani, Sudha Murthy “Fast Track justice needed” Transcript 00:00 Speaker 1: By the time when India Inc. Is struggling to rope-in more women in the workforce and also ensure their safety, the first wives of the industry, Yathleen Praymti, Sutha Munthi, and Drogani Lilicani, spoke exclusively to Ithinaust […]
Charge of the compassionate brigade
Modern society is classified into different segments. First you have the state, as represented by elected officials and lawmakers, politicians, ministers, bureaucrats and other organs of the state. Then there are the commercial bodies — companies, chambers of commerce and other market players. The third segment (there is a fourth, the underworld and the mafia, […]
Broadcasting the excluded
A forum on mobile broadcasting threw up interesting ideas on how it can become a great medium of communication in remote areas. Addressing a gathering of more than 100 representatives from the government, NGOs, CBOs and Civil Society Organisations, key note speaker Rohini Nilekani said, “Discrimination and exclusion are the prime culprits that have handicapped […]