Dhwani Legal Trust

Dhwani Legal Trust aspires to provide legal aid to vulnerable groups especially to women, those who cannot afford legal representation and marginalised communities, and spread legal awareness to all. Why they are the right choice for others:

Project Second Chance (TYCIA Foundation)

Project Second Chance, as conceptualised by Turn Your Concern Into Action(TYCIA) Foundation, aims to bring systemic changes to the prison system by integrating social entrepreneurship into the development of sustainable and scalable interventions. Why they are the right choice for others:

Sadbhavna Trust

Strengthen women’s participation in active citizenship, making them participate in the running of institutions and administration and to integrate them into the democratic process by enhancing their competencies so they can join the mainstream. Why they are the right choice for others:

South Asia Women Foundation India

SAWFIN supports and strengthens movements and initiatives led by women, girls, and trans and gender non-binary persons toward realising their constitutional rights, entitlements and freedoms to equality and non-discrimination. Why they are the right choice for others:

Citizen Digital Foundation (CDF)

CDF is a non-profit fostering Information Literacy and Responsible Tech Innovation/Development, to maximise the benefits of technology while mitigating the harm, by structurally addressing wicked techno-social challenges.

Centre for Health and Social Justice

CHSJ is committed to promoting equitable development, inclusive governance systems, & social accountability. With over 30 years of experience in community development, it strives to create a just and interdependent society. Why they are the right choice for others:

Youth Ki Awaaz

Youth Ki Awaaz

Youth Ki Awaaz is India’s leading media-tech social enterprise, building India’s largest open expression platform. YKA unlocks the potential of young voices through technology-driven expression, fostering confidence, collaboration, and empowerment. Why they are the right choice for others:

The Yuva Ekta Foundation

Yuva Ekta Foundation

The Yuva Ekta Foundation is a not-for-profit trust that works at the intersection of Youth and Governance, spanning a canvas that seeks to integrate young people from different socio-economic backgrounds, using the Expressive Arts. The Yuva Ekta Foundation is a not-for-profit trust that works at the intersection of youth and governance, bringing young people from […]

Migration and Asylum Project

The Migration and Asylum Project is India’s only law centre working on forced displacement. It seeks to end the marginalisation of refugees/migrants, using the Rule of Law to ensure grassroots justice. The Migration and Asylum Trust was set up in 2013 by former UN lawyers to fuel systemic change in India’s approach towards migration and […]

We, The People Abhiyan

We, The People Abhiyan works to empower citizens to own, understand and practice constitutional values, rights, and responsibilities in their lives and communities. We facilitate in-depth training, dialogue events, training of trainers programmes and action projects involving diverse groups of citizens across India. We, The People Abhiyan, works to empower all citizens to own, understand […]

Zenith Society for Socio-Legal Empowerment

Zenith Society for Socio Legal Empowerment is a youth-led organisation based in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, working on grassroots and sociolegal empowerment for marginalised communities, rural and urban youth. They provide perspectives resources, and training of skills and tools of the law to tribal, Dalit and marginalised communities to empower them to identify and voice their […]

VikasAnvesh Foundation

VAF focuses on key development issues faced by communities and grassroots workers by conducting high quality and high intensity research that can impact policy discussions. They work on identifying unattended development situations that concern the disenfranchised in areas which are not considered worthy of research, conduct research in these areas and create publications to influence […]

The Vidhi Center for Legal Policy

An independent think-tank and research centre, it offers ideas for citizen participationand access to justice for all. It creates better laws to improve governance for the shared publicgood. Vidhi does this through high-quality, peer-reviewed original legal research; throughengaging with the Government of India, State governments and other public institutions to bothinform policy-making and effectively convert […]

Swaniti Initiative

Swaniti Initiative is a social enterprise that strengthens local governance by improving delivery of public services. Their work is to deploy research for targeted support and developing critical CSO partnerships, as well as leveraging data driven tools towards ensuring operations and interventions of governance succeed. They work in health care, green jobs, employment, climate change, […]

Socratus Foundation for Collective Wisdom

Socratus Foundation works towards arriving at political solutions by bringing together all key agents in a field who are the proponents of competing schools of thought. For a large population such as India, which is young and mostly poor, facing huge challenges that are Wicked Problems — complex in scale and scope with incompatible objectives […]

Rootbridge Services Private Limited

Rootbridge Services work on understanding sectoral nuances in donor data to craft fundraising plans for organisations and their goals and objectives, keeping in mind the attrition of the donor life cycle and helping build relationships to retain donor relationships. They act as a conduit for nonprofit organisations to access the contribution of citizens. Their work […]

PRS Legislative Research

PRS Legislative is an independent research institute working to make legislative processes better informed, more transparent and participatory. In India, legislators who make laws on behalf of citizens and allocate public funds to national priorities, are not provided with research personnel. PRS bridges this gap by providing high quality independent research to help legislators understand […]

Project 39A, National Law University Delhi

Inspired by Article 29-A of the Indian Constitution, Project 39A focuses on equal justice and equal opportunity. They engage with the criminal justice system through interdisciplinary research, offer pro bono legal representation and create accessible and clear public communication of their work. Their primary focus is on legal aid, torture within the criminal justice system, […]

Prison Aid and Action Research

PAAR advocates for Open Prisons, a reformatory model that promotes life in a fullyfunctional social environment, focusing on reformation and re-integration instead of retributivepunishment. Their work includes research on prison manuals, court judgements, governmentnotifications, and field research on prison conditions. PAAR works closely with the High court,CMs office, Police Headquarters, and the Prison departments of […]

National Law School of India University, Bangalore

In 2020, NLSIU identified five focus areas where it will develop new interdisciplinary research clusters. These focus areas are: Labour and Work; Climate Justice; State Design and Reform; Access to Justice & Legal System Reform and Law, Technology and Society. The Law, Technology and Society Cluster integrates the work of the faculty and researchers in […]


Nyayika is a chain of multispecialty law centres that offer affordable professional legal services to the needy, with a tag line Atpatu banave sahelu which is the belief that legal procedures need to be demystified and simplified for users seeking redressal in the legal system. They are run by the IDEAL Foundation for Social and […]


Nyaaya is an open access, digital resource that provides simple, actionable, recallableand authoritative legal information to young Indians, helping them solve day-to-day legalproblems so that they are aware of their rights and feel empowered to seek justice. An initiativeof Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, Nyaaya provides comprehensive information on various legaltopics, helping everyone understand and […]

No Voter Left Behind

No Voter Left Behind worked during the last general elections to reach out to organisations and leaders who have strong and credible presences at the grassroot levels to help protect constitutional values. They worked with an action plan in which they aggregated inputs from marginalised communities for party manifestos, supported first time voters with registration […]

Newsreel Asia

Newsreel Asia is an OTT news platform that works on storytelling in the form of docuseries, podcasts, longform audio and video stories. Their focus is to tell stories from a humanitarian perspective and with empathy, covering issues on governance, economy, and democracy with a independent editorial policy. They run ‘Mapping India’, a mega-docuseries portraying the […]

Masoom Parmar

Masoom Parmar is an artist, curator and arts manager from the hereditary Langha community of musicians. Trained in the Indian “classical” dance forms of Bharatanatyam and Kathak, he has 4 full-length solo works and 2 ensemble productions to their credit. His work explores ideas of identity and belonging through the oral, literary and cultural heritage […]

Life and Liberty Foundation

Life and Liberty Foundation

An organisation committed to protecting life, liberty and dignity and promoting the rule of law, fair treatment by the law and justice for all. They safeguard access to effective representation and legal aid and promote solutions to prevent crime, unnecessary detention and prison overcrowding. This work netails facilitating access to information for persons in prison, […]

Kshetra Foundation for Dialogue

The Dialogic Method is a framework that draws on the disciplines of mediation, cognitive psychology, behavioural change and systems thinking to help varied end-users harness dialogue towards different purposes, with the goal of creating multiple, sustainable outcomes.Kshetra uses the Dialogic Method framework to support individuals, organisations and communities in using the framework to deal with […]

Khabar Lahariya

Khabar Lahiriya is India’s only women-run brand of ethical and independent rural news. Today, itreaches 5 million people every month through multiple digital platforms. It has a network of 25women reporters across 16 districts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, who run ahyperlocal, video-first news channel, broadcasting news primarily to audiences in remote areasof Uttar […]

Justice Initiative Foundation

Justice Initiative Foundation

The Justice Initiative Foundation is an organisation focussed on redefining justice as a process of healing, rebuilding, restoring and reconciling individuals, families, communities, nations for now and for generations to come. Why are they the right choice for others:


Jhatkaa.org uses digital communication to engage and mobilise citizens at scale. Through their useof digital tools, they attempt to make it easier for citizens to engage in democracy. Usingpetitions, public engagement, building volunteer movements, mass phone calls, emails to publicrepresentatives, the idea is to empower citizens to take part in India’s democracy. A key aspectof […]

Forum for Environmental Journalists in India

FEJI is a trust run by journalists which works with journalists on environment and development issues of concern. FEJI conducts seminars, media trainings and offers media fellowships. They produce research, handbooks and guidelines for environmental journalists, as well as develop and offer development journalism modules for higher education. They interface with politicians and administrators to […]

Centre for Law & Policy Research


CLPR uses a multidisciplinary approach towards public interest intervention and legal research through a independent analysis of the law. The idea is to better equip citizens to evaluate their own sociopolitical contexts and improve access to justice to marginalised groups — done through academic publications, public engagements, workshops and courses. Their work includes social engagement […]

Civic Innovation Foundation (Civis)


Civis is a non-profit platform that works to enable effective dialogue between governments andcitizens on draft laws and policies. It is a community-driven platform that engages with citizenryby offering support to shape laws through public consultations, built and maintained by CivicInnovation Foundation. Civis works on five key areas: urban development, environment, socialjustice, information technology and […]


A civil society organisation, Daksh undertakes research and activities to encourage accountability and better governance in India. Their two main activities are measuring political and judicial performance. Daksh has designed, developed, and deployed a variety of measures to assess and analyse performance in the political space, such as conducting physical surveys to gather data on […]

Dusty Foot Foundation

Dusty Foot Foundation

DFF uses digital technology and education to leverage the power of youth in conservation action and social change. They work in areas of climate action, sustainability, livelihoods, local entrepreneurship through community engagement and interdisciplinary and inter sectoral collaborations. By connecting youth to their roots, they wish to encourage them to preserve natural resources, traditional knowledge […]

Guidestar India

Guidestar India is a leading NGO information repository with more than 9000 verified NGOs across India. They work to build an information infrastructure for civil society to deliver social impact in India. They have a fully searchable and exhaustive database of reliable information for over 10000 Indian NGOs. They have 60000 NGOs on an offline […]

Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation (IPSFM)

IPSMF provides financial and other assistance to organisations that create and distribute public-interest information to the public at large, using digital media, social media, mass media or any other form. Their principle is to support journalism from the various pressures it faces from the government, adveritsers, corporates, and society. To counteract deleterious trends in the […]

India Development Review (IDR)

IDR is an independent media platform for the development community in India, publishing ideas, lessons and insights written by and for people working on India’s problems. Their community of contributors includes experts, practitioners, donors, development thinkers and researchers, grassroots workers, and activists. The writing is fact-based, and editorially independent, working to make things simple and […]

India Justice Report

The India Justice Report is an endeavour that ranks the capacity of states to deliver justice via the police, judiciary, prisons and legal aid. It is the effort of numerous organisations working to improve the justice system. It uses government data to assess the budgets, infrastructure, human resources, workloads, diversity and 5 year trends of […]

Indian School of Democracy

ISD works to uphold the spirit and values enshrined in the Indian constitution, and to help ensure that 25% of political leaders are principled by 2047. It nurtures principled leaders with moral courage and imagination, to work on strengthening the four pillars of Indian democracy – legislative, executive, judiciary and media. They run programmes for […]

Indians for Amnesty International Trust

Amnesty International India was a country unit of the Amnesty International network, and was part of a global movement promoting and defending human rights and dignity. In September 2020, Amnesty halted its operations in the country after all bank accounts of the organization were frozen. The organization wished to built a human-rights friendly world by […]

CAMP Arbitration & Mediation Practice

CAMP Arbitration and Mediation Practice works on bringing in mediation to the practice of dispute resolution in India, steering individuals and organisations away from adversarial forms of dispute resolution towards a collaborative, trusted process that transforms disputes into dialogue and consensus. This party-centred process focuses on needs, rights and interersts of the parties and a […]


Agami is a platform for the advancement of ideas that solve problems in law and justicein India, including but not limited to increasing access to legal services, improving servicedelivery and time, and enhancing transparency in the sector. Its initiatives of AgamiShaala andthe Agami Prize act as sentinels in the legal ecosystem, finding and convening ideas […]


Accord is a non-profit organisation based out of Gudalur in the Nilgiris District. They help the adivasi community of the Gudalur Valley in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu to take control of their own lives. ACCORD functions primarily as a Resource Centre providing Training and expertise and mobilising the required resources for the adivasi […]

1Shanthiroad Studio/Gallery (VAC TRUST)

1Shanthiroad, Bengaluru, is an art space founded by Suresh Jayaram in 2003. It is a space for lectures, small conferences, performances, screenings and gatherings, administered by a not- for- profit trust VAC –Visual Art Collective. 1Shantiroad houses artists from diverse contexts and countries through residency programmes and partnerships with other cultural and artistic institutions. Why […]

Youth Alliance

Youth Alliance creates leadership programs for young people to experience participative, collaborative and empathetic leadership to bring harmony with one’s self and in the world. These leadership and learning programs are experiential in nature and aimed at giving exposure to youth about social issues and providing a path for service. Key aspects of their work […]


iProbono enables organisations and citizens to network directly with people around the world who have the legal ability and drive to help them with legal matters. It enables people to access their rights by representing them with probono legal assistance. iProbono creates a network of lawyers to NGOs, charities, social enterprises, organisations, and the lawyers […]

Prayas – TISS

Prayas is a pioneering social work demonstration project of the Centre for Criminology and Justice, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, established as a Field Action Project in 1990. Prayas focuses on social work intervention in the criminal justice system: police stations, prisons, courts and institutions for women. A key aspect of their concern is the […]

Bebaak Collective Sanstha

Bebaak Collective (meaning ‘Voices of the Fearless’) was founded as an informal association of autonomous grassroots activists in 2013 to advocate for the rights of women marginalized by religion, including Muslim women. They work to raise awareness, campaign against injustice, and raise funds for victims of communal hate and marginalisaiton. Their work is to highlight […]

Bolti Bandh

Bolti Bandh is a team of writers, illustrators and enthusiasts of dialogue who bring stories, conversations and methodologies to the table that enable others to listen to the other side of an idea. Their belief is that it is important to listen, and hear, and to encourage our inherent human curiosity to engage rather than […]

Aman Biradari Trust

Aman Biradari is a people’s campaign that works to bring about such a secular and just India by building local level institutions to strengthen mutual bonds of tolerance. They include youth and women from diverse backgrounds and faith to foster fraternity, respect and peace between people of different religions, caste and language groups, providing livelihood […]