
Patang, a youth-focused organisation working with a vision of a society where young people take initiative for a positive social change. Patang’s focus has been to nurture the youth potential in creating equity and justice in society.

Biodiversity Collaborative

A network of institutions and individuals that promote biodiversity research & conservation to enhance human well-being. Why they are the right choice for others:

SaveLIFE Foundation

SaveLIFE Foundation is a specialist, nonprofit organisation committed to saving lives on roads across India. Our model combines on-ground interventions with system change efforts to enable a lasting impact on road safety in India. Why they are the right choice for others:

Praja Foundation

Praja is a non-partisan, data driven and collaborative organisation working towards improving transparency and accountability of local governments in Mumbai and Delhi; and implementation of 74th CAA and empowering grassroots democracy pan India.

ComMutiny- The Youth Collective

ComMutiny – The Youth Collective is a collaborative ecosystem of over 168 youth focused organisations that are working towards aggregating, accelerating and amplifying youth- centric development. Why they are the right choice for others:

National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) -TIFR

The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) is an institution that carries our research in frontier areas of biology from atoms and molecules to ecosystems. Our work impinges on the areas of human biomedical science, ecology & biodiversity. Why they are the right choice for others:

We, The People Abhiyan

We, The People Abhiyan works to empower citizens to own, understand and practice constitutional values, rights, and responsibilities in their lives and communities. We facilitate in-depth training, dialogue events, training of trainers programmes and action projects involving diverse groups of citizens across India. We, The People Abhiyan, works to empower all citizens to own, understand […]


Yugantar is a 41 year old not-for-profit organisation working on issues of equity, development and democracy through research and advocacy towards impacting policy and implementation. They work to create in depth research on new perspectives to influence policy, and specific projects using technology directly with community based organisations. They work in areas of local governance, […]

Vaaka Podcasts

‘In the Field’ is a podcast show about India’s on-going development story through interviews, commentary and debate. It starts a conversation about the culture of development work. Their impetus is to bring attention to the power of the audio and the power of multimedia in community building strategies. They work on themes of gender and […]

Wildlife Trust of India

Wildlife Trust of India was formed in response to crises in India’s wildlife and wild habitats. In the past three decades, they have set up 40 conservation projects across 23 states from Kashmir to Kerala. They are driven by 9 core ideas: wild rescue, species recovery, conflict mitigation, right of passage, enforcement and law, wild […]

Yuvaa Originals Pvt. Ltd.

Yuvaa creates purpose-driven solutions for young India and meaningful online content to drive conversations. They are a socially responsible media company that listens to Gen-Z, understands their desires and hopes, visits colleges across the country and acts as a safe space for people to express themselves online and offline. The mission is to make youth […]

Technology for Wildlife Foundation

Technology for Wildlife Foundation’s mission is to amplify conservation impact through the use of appropriate technology. They work via their experience and knowledge, extensive research and inclusive stakeholder consultations.They acquire conservation relevant data from satellite and field work and a fleet of aerial and underwater robots, and then integrate, simplify and visualise data to aid […]

PRS Legislative Research

PRS Legislative is an independent research institute working to make legislative processes better informed, more transparent and participatory. In India, legislators who make laws on behalf of citizens and allocate public funds to national priorities, are not provided with research personnel. PRS bridges this gap by providing high quality independent research to help legislators understand […]

Rang De

Rang De is a peer to peer lending platform focused on providing timely and affordable credit to unbanked communities. They work in social investing, and enable individuals to lend to unbanked farmers, artisans and entrepreneurs to help them kickstart, sustain and grow their livelihoods. Their mission is to revolutionise credit access for last mile financial […]

Ranga Shankara

Ranga Shankara was built to honour actor Shankar Nag’s dream of creating a vibrant,affordable space for the theatre community — both audiences and theatre makers. It wasopened in 2004 and has grown into a nerve centre for performance, a cultural institutiondedicated to theatre and theatre arts. RS showcases performances from India and abroad,commissions and produces […]

Reap Benefit

Dedicated to collective action, this platform encourages and nurtures young people withthe knowledge and tools they need to grow up into active citizens called Solve Ninjas. Itsprograms and events cover schools, colleges, and communities, and include awareness andcapacity-building workshops, co-design sessions, technical and technological support, andnetworking and convening for collaborative problem-solving. Solutions designed by communityproblem […]

Rest Of My Family

Rest of my family’ is a travel-based, not-for-profit, social-work-through-art organization. Their mission is to spread awareness about what they consider the ill-effects of a paradigm based on selfish competition. They make documentaries, collaborate over art, and work on community development projects to seek alternative modes of community living and mutual cooperation. The idea is to […]


Sahjeevan has worked at the environment/development interface in Kutch for the past three decades. It currently focusses its work on pastoralism and grassland restoration, working in Gujarat and, through CfP, nationally. What excites us about their work:

Science Gallery Bengaluru

Science Gallery Bengaluru is a not for profit public institution for research-based engagement for young adults. Their work is at the interface of the natural, human, social sciences, engineering and art, and the work is conducted through exhibitions, mentorship programmes and a Public Lab Complex. SGB began with support from the Government of India and […]

Swaniti Initiative

Swaniti Initiative is a social enterprise that strengthens local governance by improving delivery of public services. Their work is to deploy research for targeted support and developing critical CSO partnerships, as well as leveraging data driven tools towards ensuring operations and interventions of governance succeed. They work in health care, green jobs, employment, climate change, […]

The Devnandan Ubhayakar Yuva Sangeet Utsav

An annual music event conducted in Bangalore, it is a platform that encourages young Hindustani Classical artists to perform their music on the big stage to discerning audiences with music critics and rasikas present. Inspired by the Late Smt. Lalita Ubhayaker, a well known Hindustani classical vocalist from the Agra Gharana, the Utsav is a […]

The Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS)

A national education institution that focuses on human settlements’ just, sustainable and efficient transformation. It does so through the creation and application of knowledge to ensure equality.IIHS is a national educational institution that focuses on creating research and knowledge to deal with urbanisation in India in the 21st century, and to transform the nature of […]

The Takshashila Institution

Takshashila Institution was created to “build the intellectual foundations of an India with globalinterests.” An independent centre for research and education in public policy, it advocates thevalues of freedom, openness, tolerance, pluralism and responsible citizenship. Takshashilacreates change by connecting people to ideas and networks, and producing independent policyresearch in areas of governance. What excites us […]

The Vidhi Center for Legal Policy

An independent think-tank and research centre, it offers ideas for citizen participationand access to justice for all. It creates better laws to improve governance for the shared publicgood. Vidhi does this through high-quality, peer-reviewed original legal research; throughengaging with the Government of India, State governments and other public institutions to bothinform policy-making and effectively convert […]


YuWaah, Generation Unlimited in India is being incubated by UNICEF to meet the urgent needs of expanding education, skill development and employment opportunities for young people across the world. By focusing on engagement, learning, skill development and employment of young people, YuWaah aims to support a generation of empowered, young change-makers in India. What excites […]


Pravah believes that there needs to be a shift in narrative in India about the young people entering the workforce in the next decade, from ‘reaping the demographic dividend’ to ‘sowing demographic multipliers’. They believe that the ‘multiplier’ word implies creating conditions and spaces where the young can grow their own potential and can contribute […]

Oorvani Foundation

Oorvani is a non-profit trust set up to ensure independent community-funded media. Theyhave built a citizen-centred and citizen-driven platform in collaboration with citizens, domainexperts and journalists to create a democratisation of information. They enable citizens to definewhat issues are important to them, and to exchange knowledge and strategies on civic organising. They believe every citizen […]


Nyayika is a chain of multispecialty law centres that offer affordable professional legal services to the needy, with a tag line Atpatu banave sahelu which is the belief that legal procedures need to be demystified and simplified for users seeking redressal in the legal system. They are run by the IDEAL Foundation for Social and […]

No Voter Left Behind

No Voter Left Behind worked during the last general elections to reach out to organisations and leaders who have strong and credible presences at the grassroot levels to help protect constitutional values. They worked with an action plan in which they aggregated inputs from marginalised communities for party manifestos, supported first time voters with registration […]

Morisika: The Story of the Boatman

Morisika [Mirage] : The Story of the Boatman’ is an attempt to explore stories of 3 communities living by the Brahmaputra river in Assam through a feature length documentary film, three episodes and a multimedia archive of additional material. It is a collaboration between film makers, photographers, folk artists and local riverine communities in Assam […]

Kshetra Foundation for Dialogue

The Dialogic Method is a framework that draws on the disciplines of mediation, cognitive psychology, behavioural change and systems thinking to help varied end-users harness dialogue towards different purposes, with the goal of creating multiple, sustainable outcomes.Kshetra uses the Dialogic Method framework to support individuals, organisations and communities in using the framework to deal with […]

Life and Liberty Foundation

Life and Liberty Foundation

An organisation committed to protecting life, liberty and dignity and promoting the rule of law, fair treatment by the law and justice for all. They safeguard access to effective representation and legal aid and promote solutions to prevent crime, unnecessary detention and prison overcrowding. This work netails facilitating access to information for persons in prison, […]

Let’s talk / Manah Wellness Healthcare Pvt Ltd

A free mental helpline, Let’s Talk is a volunteer driven mental health support helpline set up during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was set up by Manah Wellness at, a mental health platform set up to focus on employee wellbeing and responding to the crisis of the pandemic. With over 200 volunteers of highly qualified psychologists, […]

Landscape Wizards

The Landscape Wizards share unique, and unseen stories of nature, culture and people and their interconnectedness, with the intention of encouraging a love for nature and emphasising the importance of environment conservation. They have spent over a decade photographing landscapes, predominantly from India and the Indian subcontinent. During this time, they have created documentary films, […]

Keystone Foundation

Named for ‘keystone species’ which are species crucial for an ecosystem to grow and evolve, Keystone Foundation began to incubate organisations that work to protect indigeneous lives and communities and their socioecological resilience. They focus on strengthening the resilience of species and landscapes, with a special focus on bee ecology and traditional knowledge from indigeneous […]


Kalpavriksh has worked for 4 decades on environmental awareness, campaigns, litigation and development issues. It began with a students movement to save Delhi’s Ridge Forest, as well as treks with the Chipko Andolan, and a detailed study of the Narmada projects. They conduct nature walks, lobbying for wildlife conservation and animal rights. Their focus area […]


Jhatkaa uses digital communication to engage and mobilise citizens at scale. Through their useof digital tools, they attempt to make it easier for citizens to engage in democracy. Usingpetitions, public engagement, building volunteer movements, mass phone calls, emails to publicrepresentatives, the idea is to empower citizens to take part in India’s democracy. A key aspectof […]


A civil society organisation, Daksh undertakes research and activities to encourage accountability and better governance in India. Their two main activities are measuring political and judicial performance. Daksh has designed, developed, and deployed a variety of measures to assess and analyse performance in the political space, such as conducting physical surveys to gather data on […]

Center for Civil Society

CCS is a think tank that advances social change through public policy. It is focused on the principles of decentralisation, freedom and individual rights, and works in the areas of education, livelihoods, and policy training. CCS engages with policy and opinion leaders through research, pilot projects and policy training. It publishes policy reviews and legislative […]

Center for Policy Research

Centre for Policy Research is one of India’s leading public policy think tanks since 1973. It is a non-profit, non-partisan, independent institution dedicated to conducting research that contributes to high-quality scholarship, better policies, and a more robust public discourse about the issues that impact life in India. CPR brings thinkers and policy practitioners to conduct […]

Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)


A not-for-profit research organisation, CSTEP’s mission is to enrich policy-making withinnovative approaches, using science and technology for a sustainable, secure, and inclusivesociety. It works with governments and institutions to develop solutions using science andtechnology. What excites us about their work:

Centre for Law & Policy Research


CLPR uses a multidisciplinary approach towards public interest intervention and legal research through a independent analysis of the law. The idea is to better equip citizens to evaluate their own sociopolitical contexts and improve access to justice to marginalised groups — done through academic publications, public engagements, workshops and courses. Their work includes social engagement […]



Co-Impact is a philanthropic collaborative that advances inclusive systems change and gender justice through grantmaking and influencing philanthropy. To accelerate progress towards gender equality and women’s leadership, the Gender Fund supports predominantly women-led Global South organisations, using long-term, unrestricted, long-term, flexible funding. The aim is to transform systems to be more just and inclusive, advance […]

Dasra (Impact Foundation)

A leading strategic philanthropy foundation, Dasra’s focus is on creating large-scale social change in India. Dasra drives collaborative action and powerful partnerships for impact. They work together with other funders, nonprofits and the government to share learnings and create joint solutions that work. They facilitate collaborations between funders, non-profits, corporations and the government. They also […]

Elephants Corridors Films

Elephant Corridor Films

Elephant Corridors Films is an independent documentary film production company based in Bangalore. The team creates passionate content about environment, human and animal ethics issues. Their newest film is Colonies in Conflict, which covers the story of the Indian Rock Bee, which is in the middle of an anthropogenic count down. The film travels with […]

Equidiversity Foundation

EquiDiversity Foundation is a Feminist Civil Society Organisation based in Kolkata working for gender equality (particularly in the areas of decision making and governance) and promoting diversity. Their work is to strengthen rural local self governance with Panchayati Raj institutions for addressing gender issues and strengthening autonomy in gender based leadership and participation in South […]


Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice has worked internationally and in the US since 2011 to engage men and boys as allies in gender equality, promote healthy manhood, and prevent violence. Why they are the right choice for others:

Foundation for Accelerating Philanthropy (AIP)

Accelerate Indian Philanthropy (AIP) was founded in 2021 with the vision of building an institution that fundamentally transforms the strategic giving landscape in India. AIP works with ultra-high net worth individuals and families (in India and the diaspora) to create sustainable impact by inspiring and enabling them to give more, give sooner, and give better. […]

Giving Tuesday India

Giving Tuesday India collaborates with commerce platforms to create opportunities for their consumers, employees and associates to experience ‘the joy of giving’ to trusted causes. Anchored by GuideStar India, an a NGO information repository, this campaign promotes the celebration of #GivingTuesdayIndia on the Tuesday of #DaanUtsav, India’s biggest annual festival of giving from Oct 2-8. […]

Guidestar India

Guidestar India is a leading NGO information repository with more than 9000 verified NGOs across India. They work to build an information infrastructure for civil society to deliver social impact in India. They have a fully searchable and exhaustive database of reliable information for over 10000 Indian NGOs. They have 60000 NGOs on an offline […]

Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation (IPSFM)

IPSMF provides financial and other assistance to organisations that create and distribute public-interest information to the public at large, using digital media, social media, mass media or any other form. Their principle is to support journalism from the various pressures it faces from the government, adveritsers, corporates, and society. To counteract deleterious trends in the […]

India Climate Collaborative

The India Climate Collaborative is an India-focused and India-led organisation which works with diverse actors – governments, philanthropies, businesses, civil society organisations, and research institutions – to mobilise funding for the climate ecosystem. They work towards scaling impactful solutions and explore key fundable opportunities in mitigation, adaptation, and building the capacity of different stakeholders in […]

India Development Review (IDR)

IDR is an independent media platform for the development community in India, publishing ideas, lessons and insights written by and for people working on India’s problems. Their community of contributors includes experts, practitioners, donors, development thinkers and researchers, grassroots workers, and activists. The writing is fact-based, and editorially independent, working to make things simple and […]

Indian School of Democracy

ISD works to uphold the spirit and values enshrined in the Indian constitution, and to help ensure that 25% of political leaders are principled by 2047. It nurtures principled leaders with moral courage and imagination, to work on strengthening the four pillars of Indian democracy – legislative, executive, judiciary and media. They run programmes for […]

Indians for Amnesty International Trust

Amnesty International India was a country unit of the Amnesty International network, and was part of a global movement promoting and defending human rights and dignity. In September 2020, Amnesty halted its operations in the country after all bank accounts of the organization were frozen. The organization wished to built a human-rights friendly world by […]

Fields of View

Fields of View undertakes research at the intersection of technology, the social sciences and art to design tools for policymakers and people affected by policy. They work with a Policy Lab where they do research on urban poverty, energy, transportation, disaster management and water, creating and designing new methods in simulations and games. Their School […]

Bangalore International Center (BIC)

Bangalore International Centre is a local, independent space and institution that encourages the intellect and facilitates open dialogue. It is an enabling environment for arts, culture and informed conversations. It curates cultural experiences and acts as a knowledge repository aims to develop a diverse audience profile by planning events that are topical and interesting to […]


Agami is a platform for the advancement of ideas that solve problems in law and justicein India, including but not limited to increasing access to legal services, improving servicedelivery and time, and enhancing transparency in the sector. Its initiatives of AgamiShaala andthe Agami Prize act as sentinels in the legal ecosystem, finding and convening ideas […]

Ashoka – ASPIRe


ASPIRe is a global initiative co-created by Ashoka and Societal Platform to support a diversecohort of Ashoka Fellows through an in-depth accelerator to reimagine how their social-impactmissions can be redesigned using platform and system change thinking. ASPIRe supportsAshoka Fellows to envision transformative change in their sectors at population scale, and todistribute the ability to solve […]

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology (ATREE) is one of the top 20 environmental thinktanks globally and a global non-profit which generates interdisciplinary knowledge to informpolicy and practice towards conservation and sustainability. ATREE’s Regional Initiatives workclosely with local communities to generate knowledge and contribute solutions that are pertinentto and usable by them to not only […]

Adivasi Lives Matter by Prayog Samaj Seva Sanstha

Adivasi Lives Matter is a platform that works toward amplifying Adivasi and Tribal voices of India. The initiative was started in 2016 so that Adivasi/Tribal youth and individuals can create articles and videos highlighting their lives and culture. In the last two years, ALM has trained around 150 youths in the art of digital storytelling. […]

Youth Alliance

Youth Alliance creates leadership programs for young people to experience participative, collaborative and empathetic leadership to bring harmony with one’s self and in the world. These leadership and learning programs are experiential in nature and aimed at giving exposure to youth about social issues and providing a path for service. Key aspects of their work […]


Danamojo is India’s first payment solutions platform designed specifically for small and midsized NGOs. Their premise is based on research which says that NGOs gain more donations on their own websites than externally. Their purpose is to help NGOs raise more funds from individuals by providing a convenient and efficient mechanism to collect donations through […]

Centre for Wildlife Studies

The Centre for Wildlife Studies is a 37-year-old centre-of-excellence working to save India’s wildlife through science, conservation, policy and education. They focus on mitigating the impact of human activity on wildlife and wild places and empowering communities who live near protected communities through conflict mitigation, agriculture, education, healthcare, finance and alternative livelihood options. Their work […]

Waste Warriors Society

Waste Warriors are a not-for-profit and registered society based in Dharamshala, Dehradun, Corbett, and Rishikesh. The focus of their work is on developing sustainable solid waste management systems. This work is done via a combination of direct action, awareness-raising and community engagement through education and collaborations, conducted through decentralised initiatives. Through the use of innovative […]

Indus Action

Indus Action has been working on enabling sustainable access to welfare rights for disadvantaged families through organizing and convening social leaders, consulting and diagnosing key issues and problems, and research. Its vision is to enable 2.5 million vulnerable people to access legislated rights. Working across three key areas of the Right to Education (reservation in […]


Goonj was founded in 1999. It uses a sustainable economic model for managing poverty by using urban surplus material as a tool to alleviate financial poverty and enhance the dignity of people and communities that are financially impoverished in India. Waste or surplus is mobilized to motivate civic participation in urban and rural communities. Over […]

Equal Community Foundation

Equal Community Foundation that every boy in India should be raised to be gender equitable to prevent an emerging epidemic of violence. India has 230 million boys under the age of 18, who as adults are estimated to participate in and perpetuate violence against women. Their work is to create gender transformative programmes and interventions, […]